Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CABIN - Branches

Hello my friends!
I am writing from a cabin in Santa Cruz. Cabin is a BRANCHES project that we've been planning for a bit, and it's finally happened! We came up to record an 3 song EP, available for digital download later this month, and a couple Christmas songs for the season, as well as two live videos from the forest and cabin. We are leaving in about 5 hours to go back home, but we are finishing up some final things, percussion, vocals and such.

The rain is falling and it's so peaceful and wonderful,
in the middle of a lush, green forest! A dream come true! I would absolutely adore living in a place like this, or have always dreamed so rather. As i sip my coffee and listen to the indian flute being played badly, and some tinkering on the melodica, the rain falling, perfect afternoon light, and someone still sleeping in the living room next room over (cough cough, goerzen), i feel so at peace and warm.

Despite my mass amounts of homework and things to do, this is my natural habitat. Friendship, creative energy, music, great food and company, hikes through the forest, skipping rocks at the creek, laughs, rain, sleeping till noon, taking deep breaths, and experiencing with the people you love the most, close by. This is my home and joy.

Warmth and Peace,
x -N

some photos and videos from the weekend...

Filmed by: Kelly Boitano


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